ETA Bruno Nesci poses for a photo with his fiancée, Mary, and Mary's dad, Ross.
ETA Bruno Nesci during his entertaining performance at Flamboro Downs, Flamborough, Ontario, Friday, February 2nd, 2018. (The loose chains are not a costume malfunction; Bruno undid them! Lol). Photo Credit: C. MacArthur.
A Hunk of Burning Love
Those of us who were at Flamboro Downs, Flamborough, Ontario last night will understand my title, “A Hunk of Burning Love”. ETA Bruno Nesci, simply put, was on fire! From his first song, Bruno was on a quest to make sure that every single person who came to see his show was going to be thoroughly entertained. His rapport with the audience was engaging. Bruno acknowledged audience members whom he recognized from his first appearance on Friday, January 5th, 2018. He welcomed and thanked new patrons who were perhaps seeing him perform for the first time. Joan, from Stoney Creek, Ontario provided some laughs with her spirited dancing and extroverted communication with Bruno while he was performing. The audience was treated to a duo when ETA Chris Cooper, who was in the audience as a guest, was called upon to entertain with “Hula Rock”. If you missed seeing Chris last night, he will be co-hosting with ETA Anthony Joseph at the Shadows of a King event later this month in Niagara Falls. (A poster with the details is posted on SIDEBURNS Facebook page). But Chris’s performance wasn’t the only surprise during the evening.
Top Row L to R: Marian Reid ETA Chris Cooper with Dot Farr Lorraine Koshowski, celebrating her 74th on Feb. 4th
Bottom Row L to R: Joyce Arnold and Joan Marie Foster and Joyce Arnold Annette and Mike
Bruno informed the audience that he would be calling upon someone to help him sing the last couple of lines of “I Can’t Stop Loving You.” Debi, who had been conversing with Bruno from her second level seat, and was celebrating her retirement from her position as an EA (Educational Assistance) with the Hamilton Catholic School Board, was asked to come to the stage to sing with Bruno. After much kibitzing with Debi about going lower with her vocals, Debi sang, “So I’ll just live my life in dreams of yester—yesterday, oh yeah,” in tune and with much gusto.
Bruno ended the evening with the beautiful gospel song, “How Great Thou Art”, followed by “If I Can Dream”, and closed with “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You”. The audience showed their appreciation with a much deserved standing ovation.
I want to thank all the wonderful people who allowed me to take their photos last night at Flamboro. Some of the photos are posted in this article. A select few will be added to the SIDEBURNS Fan Info/Photos, and others will be included in a Valentine’s Day blog. Until next time, best regards, Carolyn.
If you missed last night's performance, below is a recent video of ETA Bruno Nesci for you to enjoy.