Many readers will remember the glory days of the shows that were offered for free at Casino Niagara every Wednesday afternoon at 3 pm and 6 pm. “Sliver Aces” booked acts that were some of the best in the business. ETAs, such as Gino Monopli, Anthony Von, Matt Cage, and Jay Zanier, as well as other top tribute acts, entertained like it was Saturday night at the Roxy. There was a small seating area and a small dance floor right next to the slot machines. We danced and sang with the ETAs who left the stage often to mingle with the audience—best Wednesday afternoons ever!
If you were there, you know what a challenge it was to get the photos I needed for my write-ups. There was particular employee of Casino Niagara that watched everyone with a phone or camera like a hawk. I had to be very careful, since I did not want to risk having my camera confiscated by casino security; but with the help of the wonderful people I met on the dance floor keeping a close eye on her, I managed to snap a photo or two at each show. Some of the security guards were great and turned a blind eye because they knew I was not taking photos of anything except the artist on the stage. During the time in between shows, if we wished to eat, we had three options at the casino: the buffet, the sports bar, or Perks Cafe just outside the entrance to the casino. On one of the days that Matt Cage performed, Matt left his dressing room and joined fans and friends at Perks. In this area, I was able to safely take a lot of photos which are included in an upcoming post.
I miss those shows so much. I wonder what will happen in the future. Maybe Casino Niagara has learned a lesson during closure about the value of patronage and they will consider bringing back the shows that brought so much joy. While we wait this out, I thought you might enjoy revisiting those happy shows. Today, I offer an updated recap of James Begley’s show.
Recap and Photos of James Begley as Buddy Holly
Above: ETA James Begley during his performance as music legend Buddy Holly at Casino Niagara. Photo Credit: C.M.
Wednesday, February 28th, was a great afternoon for Buddy Holly fans who came to see their idol portrayed so convincingly by ETA James Begley. Dressed handsomely in a white jacket for his first set, and a black tuxedo for his second, and, of course, the signature black rimmed glasses for both, James sang all of Buddy Holly's hits. James entertained his fans at the Silver Aces show at Casino Niagara with stories about many of the songs, including "Heartbeat" (which is used as the theme song for the Brit show of the same name), and "It Doesn't Matter Anymore" by Canada's own, Paul Anka. "Peggy Sue", perhaps Holly's best know song, was followed later in the set with "Peggy Sue Got Married". Audience participation is always crowd pleasing, and James engaged us all by having half the audience challenge the other half by trying out sing the chorus. We danced, sang, and thoroughly enjoyed an afternoon of wonderful entertainment. A special hello to Arlene, Joanne, and Doreen. It always such fun talking and dancing with the Silver Aces ladies.
I wish to thank James for taking a moment to pose for the above photos. It isn't easy getting photos in the casino. Best regards, Carolyn. Photo Credit: C.M.
Slide Show
James Begley at Lake George in 2010 performing as Bully Holly. Photos from Facebook.
First video shows James performing as Buddy Holly at the Greg Frewin Theatre in 2008. The second video, James, as an ETA, is joined by his son, Jackson.